Feel free to reach out to us with ANY questions, we're here to help!
We practice at the Olds College arena weekly!
Please scroll down to view maps!

Indoor Arena
Outdoor Arena
The McClellan Arena
North Arena, Olds College
4500 50th St, Olds, AB T4H 1R6
33246 RR 35
TWP 332

1. Duncan Marshall Place
2. Werklund Agriculture and Technology Centre
3. Dr. Robert Turner Building
4. Teaching Brewery and Retail Store
5. Pomeroy Inn and Suites
6. Land Sciences Centre
7. Greenhouse
8. Landscape Pavillion
9. W. J. Elliott Building, Trades
10. Metals Building
11. Animal Health Education Centre
12. Meat Retail Store
13. Industry Training Centre
14. Learning Resource Centre
15. Alumni Centre
16. E Learning Centre
17. Frank Grisdale Hall
18. Campus Facilities
19. Technology Access Centre for Livestock Production
20. College Court Townhouses
21. Centennial Village Residence
22. Fine Arts and Multi Media Centre
23. Ralph Klein Centre
24. Chinook's Edge Bus Maintenance
25. Livestock Centre
26. Cold Barn
27. Beef Centre
28. Brawn Arena (South)
29. McLellan Arena (North)
30. Equine Centre/Farrier Lab
31. Foaling Barn
32. Smart Ag Innovation Centre